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a full service landscape and lawn pest company

Serving West Houston

What You Need to Know To Make An Informed Decision About Earth Smart.....It's Not What We Do....It's HOW & When WE DO IT!!
What We Do:
Treat for insects, weeds, & diseases.
Fertilize your yard, of course!
Use Organics, definitely.
Aerate your lawn, yep, most of the time.
Fight your fireants.
Take a bite out of your mosquitoes.
How We Do It:
Personal visit to your business or home by our degreed horticulturist.
Locate and identify the insects, weeds & disease wrecking your landscape.
Analyze your irrigation, plant placement & cutting problems.
Recommend a customized treatment plan for you, not your neighbor.
Use the least invasive methods possible.
Protect the good guys, like bees and ladybugs.
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